Todd and Elspeth Davies wedding announcement in the Dunkirk Observer.
This area contains documents related to the Morganville-F�ves story, including letters, shipping invoices, newspaper articles and other items. With a few exceptions, the documents are in transcription form. Items are arranged by date with the earliest at the top. If the original item was not dated, but could be dated or approximately dated by content, it was located in its proper chronological position.
An introduction to the documents in the list below. The method for determining the source of a document is included.
Todd and Elspeth Davies wedding announcement in the Dunkirk Observer.
Todd's background and his role as instigator of Dunkirk-to-Dunkerque Day. Article in the Dunkirk Observer newspaper.
Dunkirk-to-Dunkerque Day article in Dunkirk Observer.
Mayor of Dunkirk receives French Legion of Honor as result of Dunkirk-to-Dunkerque Day. Article in Fredonia, (N.Y.) Censor.
New York Times article about Locust Valley adopting Ste. Mere-Eglise, France.
Milwaukee Journal AP article about Locust Valley and adopted towns.
New York Times article by Meyer Berger relating the "Dunkirk Miracle" referenced in Todd's December 24, 1947 editorial.
Todd editorial in his hometown newspaper about Dunkirk-to-Dunkerque Day reaction there and in other locations.
Morganville Tribune item regarding Carson speaking to Youth Fellowship about UNESCO.
Morganville people attend the UNESCO meeting at the Clay Center high school in hopes of obtaining films and Pen Pals.
Letter from Carson to daughter Cynthia. Mentions "One World" meeting at the Morganville Church.
Clay County UNESCO to be organized.
Clay County UNESCO is organized and details provided.
Will see film "The Road We Walk" on May 30. Clothing already sent by Morganville to Pen Pals' families. Other local UNESCO activities.
Chamber of Commerce meeting where Carson, Millikan and others present to encourage attendance at the UNESCO meeting at the church on last Sunday of May.
Introductory article to the 11 June 1948 meeting in Dunkirk to expand affiliation programs - Dunkirk Observer article.
Delegates meet in Dunkirk to expand affiliation program - Dunkirk Observer article.
Carson to Todd letter requesting a sister city.
Letter from Carson to daughter Cynthia. Mentions selection of sister city and challenge of moving town forward.
UNESCO meeting decision to adopt a central European town from Morganville Tribune.
Todd to Carson letter with an overview of how things will move forward now that Morganville has chosen F�ves.
Letter from Carson to daughter Cynthia briefly mentioning preparations for the pageant.
Pageant announcement in Morganville paper.
"One World Street Fete " newspaper article from Morganville Tribune.
Todd letter to Carson assuring her there is no worry about French "using" them and he is sending Robert Sonkin to record pageant show.
"To hold pageant to raise funds for Feves, France" article in Clay Center Dispatch.
"Interest In Pageant Widespread" article in the Morganville newspaper.
New London, Connecticut Evening Day newspaper article about Captain Ebenezer Morgan and Morganville pageant.
"Morganville, (Pop. 243) Plans Big Pageant for Adopted French Town" article in the Topeka State Journal newspaper.
Carson's 4,500-word "Message to Feves" script for play portion of the pageant. Text only.
Carson letter to Todd with her assessment of how pageant turned out.
Article about pageant in the Manhattan Republic newspaper.
Two large article in Morganville Tribune about the pageant as well as many small items.
Morganville Tribune item regarding Sonkin visit to Morganville. Dated by content.
Morganville Tribune article regarding storefront decorations for the pageant. Article may have been a week earlier.
Todd letter to Carson responding to her 1 September 1948 letter and telling about hearing Sonkin broadcasts, shipping to France, process moving forward and other comments.
Article in the Kansas City Star about the pageant.
Sonkin letter to Carson about working with Parker, KTOP in Topeka, Mutual broadcasting item, Kansas governor interview, stop in Louisville, meeting with World Wide Broadcasting.
Morganville Tribune item requesting clothing for the village's adopted sister.
Todd letter to Carson concerning powdered milk for children, Homer Christenson's gift, and receipt of play script and other materials.
Call for donations in the Morganville Tribune. Shoes repaired in Kansas City and squares cut for comforter.
Carson letter to Todd describing what has been collected, Christenson money, governor and senator involvement, high cost of milk and general comments.
Sonkin letter to Carson, World Wide Broadcasting script, unhappy with recordings, liked Morganville experience, asks if French ambassador's letter arrived, but largely chatty.
Parker letter to Carson regarding pageant photos and color slides.
Morganville Tribune item regarding first shipment of clothes.
Railway Express Agency receipt for the shipment of clothes mentioned in the previous day's Morganville paper article.
Todd letter to Carson asking for certain photo reprints, origin of the program, wondering what is behind it, origin of Lafe, words do not quite tell the story.
AAtF letter to Carson announcing shipment was received and what would happen next.
John Peterson letter in Tribune about hearing Morganville radio item in Kansas City.
The fifth Operation Democracy report which including details about the Morganville pageant and what other American towns are doing.
"First Gift to Feves" article in Morganville Tribune about Christenson candy. Clothes have been sent as well.
Morganville Tribune article about UNESCO plans for Christmas gifts to F�ves, including names of committee members.
Todd letter to Carson about plans for Air France delivery of Christenson's candy, including Morganville school children letter and cost of duplicating the pageant script.
Formal Todd to Carson letter asking her to become part of O.D.'s advisory board.
Morganville Tribune article telling of a meeting of the group gathering Christmas gifts for F�ves.
Morganville Tribune article with suggestions about the types of Christmas gifts being sought for F�ves.
Charles Pfister, Clifton, KS., mayor, letter to Todd telling of Clifton's interest in pageant and asking for pageant picture negatives so he could sell copies.
Request in the Morganville Tribune to donate clothes and lard as next shipment to F�ves will be on November 26. Mentions announcement of Noel Ball.
Article in unknown newspaper regarding Homer Christenson's gift of candy for the children of F�ves. Includes Morganville's elementary school students names.
Part of letter to Carson in Morganville Tribune from Division of Overseas Relief Activities re: candy arriving, conditions in F�ves, wanting to know more about Christenson etc.
Newspaper article in unknown French newspaper of Todd speaking to F�ves citizens about Morganville, message from Morganville, and chocolate gift. Mentions dock strike.
"Give Fat for Feves" article in Morganville Tribune.
December 30 Noel Ball announcement in Morganville Tribune. Details later. Preview of what will be included. Written in Carson style.
Apparently an excerpt from a Todd letter with his observations after his tour of European countries late in 1948. Some details on visit to F�ves.
Todd to Carson letter from Geneva, Switzerland. introduces F�ves committee members. A wish to be home. O.D. in financial trouble.
Morganville Tribune article announcing arrival of excerpt from Todd's December 3 letter. Undated and may have been December 16.
Morganville Tribune article about state UNESCO conference in Topeka where town adoptions were the primary topic, Carson a central figure, mentions others attending.
Letter from Sweet Life foods to Carson offering services to supply food to F�ves.
Appears to be a list of small items shipped to F�ves, including values and postage.
Noel Ball announcement in Morganville Tribune with some details.
Announcement of Noel Ball guests in Morganville Tribune, including Peter Weiden/Wyden of Wichita Eagle newspaper.
Letter from Ann McCarrie of Windsor, California seeking help. Probably originally sent to the Morganville mayor, but appears Carson responded.
Morganville Tribune article concerning "Noel Ball" in schoolhouse gym, including details of the entertainment and special guests.
Todd marriage to widow Clare Davis Powell in the Dunkirk Observer. Mentions her sons, his first wife and their divorce.
Partial of "Charity is not Enough" report written by Todd focusing on Morganville. Approximate date by content.
"Europe Wants Cultural Swap, not Charity" article in Dunkirk Observer. May have been "ghost written" by Todd.
Sonkin letter to Carson about French version of broadcast by Robert Franc to be broadcast February 2, 1949, State department wants copies, Wichita-Orleans pairing.
Morganville Tribune report on outcome of Noel Ball, letters from F�ves to be translated and letters received from other adopting towns wanting suggestions.
Letter from D. V. Burrell Seed Growers Co. in Colorado to Roenigk with suggestions about selecting seeds for France and regulations.
Carson letter to Roenigk from Plainfield, N.J., met AAtF folks, Todd, Feb. 17 order payment, Stay with classmate Vera Olmstead Hamilton, not met Ann Roenigk, Lifesaver order, eye operation?
Letter from Torlotting to Morganville relating hearing the broadcast and asking for a recording if available.
Article in Wichita, Kansas Beacon relating how the French feel sorry for the Americans in Morganville.
Letter from AAtF's Germanie Wilson to Roenigk with seed shipping rates to France.
Letter from Carson to daughter Cynthia. Will speak in N.Y. at a "function" with Todd and others re: affiliated towns, no longer cares for NYC, much peace effort, at Mansard Inn.
Invoice from R. C. Williams for cocoa and sugar sold to Carson.
Letter from AAtF's Germainie Wilson to Carson detailing what had been ordered to ship, billing to Mansard Inn, future billing to Roenigk.
Letter from Windsor, California's Ann McCarrie asking advice of Carson, mainly on shipping to France.
Letter to Roenigk from Eliot Waltrous, Consular Agent of France in Colorado, regarding CARE seed packages, in future, contact French CA in Chicago.
Letter from AAtF's Germainie Wilson to Roenigk with air mail rates to France.
Letter from Roenigk to French Counsel in Denver regarding seeds, shipping rates and lack of response to letter of a fortnight earlier. Letters passed in mail.
Letter to CARE from Roenigk with addresses for seed package shipments. Question about sending more than one to a person.
Letter from AAtF's Germainie Wilson to Roenigk with invoice for SS Bertrand shipment.
Letter from AAtF's Germainie Wilson to Carson explaining billing error and billing procedure.
Letter from Roenigk to Utleys in Paris suggesting he would send film if they can get permission to visit F�ves.
Letter in English from Roenigk to Torlotting to be translated into French by son Ivan Roenigk. Mentions seed shipment, requests school children names and possibility of Utley visit.
Letter from CARE to Roenigk with their seed catalogue. The catalogue is not with the letter.
Letter to Roenigk from former Morganville mayor Emette Davis asking Roenigk to send a seed package in his name.
Letter to Todd from Victor Scales of United Service to Holland, Inc. suggesting need to educate Americans on differences with Europeans.
Letter to Roenigk from Torlotting telling of local impact, Christmas gifts, difficulty with language, school children's names and ages.
French attache Jacques Rimey letter to Dan Roenigk about sending seeds.
Letter from CARE's Ruth Shortell to Roenigk acknowledging order.
Letter to Roenigk concerning shipping insurance from Rose Harper at AAtF.
Letter to Roenigk from AAtF's Germainie Wilson with confirmation of earlier order and request for payment.
Letter to CARE from Roenigk requesting more seeds be sent to Torlotting.
Note with dollar amounts of deposit. Much relates to seed purchases.
Morganville paper items - Torlotting letters of March 5, 1949 and February 7, 1949. Hear of Morganville in California. Seed shipments and shipping summary.
Todd's schedule of meetings during May 1949 Midwestern trip.
List by Roenigk of items shipped to F�ves. Precise date of composition is unclear.
AATF's Rose Harper with insurance invoice regarding shipment on SS Molda.
Thank you note in Morganville paper from Father Holveck regarding layettes and Holveck having friend who had lived in Kansas City.
Seed delivery confirmations from CARE, including who signed, amount and related dates.
Roenigk letter to AATF's Rose Harper with invoice payment on SS Molda shipment.
Roenigk letter to Utleys mentioning they should contact Torlotting to arrange a visit to F�ves, that Roenigk will send film, and all are excited about the visit.
Carson to Billie Utley letter: sending Lifesavers, friendship, not charity, seeing Ivan in New York, having eye surgery, Morganville article in May 1949 Pageant magazine.
Todd to Carson letter about Carson eye operation, broadcast, Wichita trip, magazine articles, trout fishing and CCNY strike.
Appears to be an earlier draft of the Roenigk letter to Torlotting of this same date.
Roenigk letter to Torlotting mentioning Torlotting's March 5 letter, 4 more seed packages, problems with translation, script in French, son Ivan, Utley's address, planting, layettes.
Letter to Todd from Victor Scales regarding a possible visit by Kansas UNESCO's Bert Hedges to the Netherlands.
Billie Utley letter to Roenigks concerning first trip to F�ves and living conditions in France, plans for return to the U.S., sister Lois' graduation.
First issue of the magazine "The Reporter" with article about supplying aid to Europe. Morganville's effort is mentioned. See 15 April 1949.
Letter to Todd by Luxembourg official Joseph Petit about connecting Clervaux, Luxembourg and Medicine Lodge, Kansas as well as comment about Roosevelt family.
Telegram from Carson to Todd's office letting him know there will be a party in Morganville May 9, 1949.
Letter to Todd from someone in Colorado who appears to be a friend. Signed "Harold" at the Thomas F. Daly Insurance company and hoping Todd will visit during his Kansas trip.
Telegram to Todd from Dr. Franz Artz of Clayton, Missouri asking to reroute Dr. Jean Falaize and daughter, who are traveling with Todd, through St. Louis, Missouri.
F�ves' Joel Weyland letter to Morganville's Donna Carlson printed in Morganville Tribune.
Alfred Roget's letter to Schaffners regarding seeds they sent, his family and conditions in France. A version is in the 30 June 1949 Tribine.
Torlotting letter to Morganville, thanking for items received, what is needed, why he cannot visit, and initial broadcast. May 4 is mentioned as being in the future, so a dating problem.
Billie Utley letter in French to Torlotting about visit, language barrier, taking pictures, when arriving and leaving.
Morganville newspaper article about Todd's and de Wendell's visit to Morganville earlier in the month.
Morganville newspaper item containing the May 10, 1949 letter from Torlotting to Morganville.
Todd letter to Carson recounting recent trip to Kansas and Colorado, de Wendel's trip, shakeup at UNESCO, and what Sonkin is doing.
AAtF's Rose Harper letter to Roenigk with invoice reminder.
Carson letter to Bert Hedges apparently concerning some slight UNESCO people had felt regarding the publicity Morganville had received.
List of affiliated towns and towns seeking an affiliation.
Item in Morganville Tribune about Utley's planned visit to F�ves. The handwritten date is almost certainly wrong.
AAtF's Edith Zvonik letter to Roenigk with order and invoice copy.
Roenigk letter to AAtF's Rose Harper about charges for shipping.
Roenigk letter to Mrs. Philip D. Wilson of AAtF about not receiving an invoice for an order.
Roenigk letter to the Paris Herald asking for a subscription for Torlotting.
Carol Stensland (KS UNESCO) to Carson "thank-you" letter mentioning June 15 broadcast. Contains list of KS UNESCO members.
AAtF's Edith Zvonik letter to Roenigk relating to an error in billing.
Roenigk letter to R. C. Williams paying invoice.
Roenigk letter to AAtF regarding shipment variation and payment.
AAtF's Germainie Wilson letter to Roenigk regarding charges for impending shipment.
AAtF's Edith Zvonik sends Roenigk shipment invoice.
Translation of Metz newspaper article about the radio program at F�ves. See 22 September 1949 letter from Y. Bazin.
Translation and original in French of newspaper article about the program at F�ves on June 23.
Translation of Torlotting letter to Utleys about about the program at F�ves on June 23.
French newspaper photo and caption of radio program at F�ves. Probably June 24 or shortly after as program was on June 23.
Alfred Roget's letter to Schaffners reprinted in Morganville newspaper regarding seeds, his family and conditions in France. 9 May 1949 is original.
Roenigk letter to AAtF's Edith Zvonik regarding lack of billing for the June order.
Balance sheet for Morganville-F�ves committee.
Letter to Carson from someone at Operation Democracy - probably Todd - regarding current state of operation. Only first page of a longer letter.
Billie Utley letter in Morganville Tribune regarding June trip to F�ves.
Todd to Carson letter describing state of Operation Democracy and mentioning the special nature of Morganville.
Torlotting and Utley letter to Roenigk from Paris regarding shipments, broadcast from F�ves, sending recording, meeting Kolling and possible gift to Morganville.
Sonkin letter to Carson. Largely just chatty.
Letter from Roenigk to CARE about Christmas candy packages.
Letter from Yvonne Bazin, friend of the Utleys, who translated the Metz newspaper article about the F�ves broadcast for the Utleys.
Letter from Roenigk to Sweet Life Foods about Christmas candy packages.
Letter from Roenigk to R. C. Williams about Christmas candy packages.
Torlotting letter of September 12, 1949 in Morganville Tribune, but excludes the Utley letter portion.
Kolling meets Torlottings at Utley home in Paris item in Morganville Tribune.
Todd to Carson letter telling of listening to F�ves June 23, 1949 program recording. Describes program, suggestions for use. Date somewhere between 1 September 1949 and 10 April 1950.
Letter to Roenigk from R. C. Williams with information on the Christmas candy Williams sells.
Letter from Roenigk to AAtF's Edith Zvonik with instructions to ship Christmas candy from R. C. Williams.
Letter from Roenigk to R. C. Williams ordering Christmas candy.
Letter with enclosures to Roenigk from CARE about shipping books and what is available.
Handwritten Letter from Roenigk to Torlotting in response to latter's September 12, 1949 letter, including new items shipped, Kolling visit, and CARE.
Letter to Todd from Greek Deputy Prime Minister regarding his country's enthusiasm for the affiliated cities program.
Letter from General Douglas MacArthur to Carl Carlsmith regarding setting up affiliated cities in Japan.
Appears to be a newspaper item about the community Thanksgiving program, but focusing on Jacobson picture selection. Probably by Carson, precise date unknown.
Letter to Mrs. Isabella Greenway King from Bartow H. Underhill in the U.S. State Department applauding Operation Democracy.
Items in the Morganville Tribune announcing community Thanksgiving program to raise funds and select Jacobson picture, regional UNESCO meeting.
Telegram to Carson from Miss Gayle Gibbs asking for photos to use in a United Nations magazine. Name incorrectly written as Gebbs.
Letter to Roenigk from U.N.'s Gayle Gibbs thanking him for some Morganville items for an article in a U.N. publication.
AAtF's Germanie Wilson letter to Roenigk explaining who pays for what services in regard to shipments.
Torlotting letter to Roenigk, Original translation and Tribune version, Christmas gifts, gift for Morganville, how to ship, asks about Ivan, radio broadcast, Christmas wishes.
Translation of F�ves Mayor August Berne to Roenigk letter thanking Morganville, New Year's greetings and relating current events in F�ves.
REA agent Carlson in Clay Center to Roenigk concerning charges on cost of shipping painting to France.
Item in the Tribune about the 1949 Noel Ball.
Pan American Airways letter to Roenigk with rates for shipping to France.
TWA employee and Morganville native Dennis Taylor letter to Roenig related to costs of shipping to France.
AAtF's Germanie Wilson informing Roenigk with a form letter that AAtF is ceasing to ship items to France.
AAtF's Germanie Wilson informing Roenigk of difficulties with shipping and customes related to the F�ves gift to Morganville.
Jacobson painting waybill completed by TWA's and Morganville's Dennis Taylor, probably included in Taylor's letter to Roenigk of 13 February 1950.
Roenigk response to AAtF's Germanie Wilson 9 February 1950 letter, suggesting Utleys may transport picture/carving to Morganville.
Roenigk letter to Utleys asking for help with getting the wood carving to Morganville.
TWA's and Morganville's Dennis Taylor letter to Roenigk saying painting now in Paris. Taylor apparently hand carried from Morganville to Kansas City.
Roenigk letter to TWA's and Morganville's Dennis Taylor asking about any difficulties shipping painting and it should be declared a gift of less than $1.
Ed Utley to Roenigk letter. Can take painting if at Orly by mid-March as plan to visit F�ves before April 1 vacation; give pix sent Roenigk to Billie's mother to forward to Ed's mother in MI.
Letter to Roenigk from AAtF in Paris announcing woodcarving gift from F�ves on its way to Morganville.
Roenigk letter to Utleys: The F�ves carving has been taken care of and so they do not have to bother with it, but Morganville could use help with customs on the Jacobson painting.
Roenigk letter to French attache in Chicago asking about sending money for waterworks and getting Morganville painting through customs in France.
Roenigk letter to Todd with $50 donation.
Carson letter to daughter Cynthia mentioning McKee coming to Morganville.
French attache in Chicago letter to Roenigk about sending money and getting Morganville painting through customs in France.
French attache in Chicago letter to Morganville mayor asking for details about the adoption of F�ves.
Roenigk response to French attache in Chicago letter of 28 March 1950 about adoption of F�ves.
Roenigk Letter to Todd with $10 donation for help with making F�ves recodings into tapes, which arrived in Morganville this day.
Letter from McKee to Roenigk thanking him for papers Roenigk lent him and kindness during Mckee's visit.
Morganville paper item regarding Billie Utley letter to Roenigk informing him Morganvilles painting to F�ves had arrived and F�ves carving had shipped.
Roenigk letter to McKee relating to McKee's recent Morganville visit and Roenigk's receipt of the two tapes containing F�ves program for Morganville.
French Consul General Viala letter to Roenigk responding to Roenigk's March 31 letter and asking picture be sent duty free.
Todd letter to Roenigk expressing thanks for donation to O.D. and for donation for F�ves recording, talked to McKee about program.
McKee letter to Roenigk indicating he expects Morganville's story to be broadcast and hopes he can find a machine to play F�ves tape recording.
Roenigk letter to AAtF's agent in Paris confirming woodcarving arrival.
Roenigk letter to Torlotting confirming woodcarving arrival.
Arrival of woodcutting announced in Morganville Tribune.
Carson mentions arrival of woodcutting in letter to daughter Cynthia. Precise date uncertain.
Students Sara Cauldwell and Audrey Poe letter to Roenigk expressing desire to represent Morganville to F�ves on European trip.
Roenigk to Sarah Cauldwell letter turning down the offer in her May 30 letter to act as an ambassador from Morganville to F�ves.
McKee to Carson informing her that "Prairie Noel" has been approved and he will be visiting in the fall.
Announce in Morganville Tribune Utley program at Morganville school and will include playing record of program at F�ves.
Letter from Robert Arnold, KSC professor, thanking Carson for including KSU students in the Morganville July 14 program.
Utley program at Morganville school, including playing tape of F�ves to Morganville program. Item in Morganville Tribune.
Roenigk letter to Torlotting. Roenigk's sister's may visit F�ves . General update on Morganville.
Elmore McKee and Lou Hazem in Morganville making recordings for "A Prairie Noel" - item in Morganville paper.
Letter from Roenigk to Unitarian Services asking if they could handle shipping previously managed by American Aid to France.
Letter from Roenigk to U.N.'s Gayle Gibbs about photo return and article.
Letter from Roenigk to R. C. Williams and Company asking for a quote on Christmas candy for shipment to F�ves.
Unitarian Services letter to Roenigk in response to his October 6, 1950 letter asking if they can take AAtF's place in shipping items to F�ves.
McKee letter to Carson and Roenigk informing them "A Prairie Noel" will probably be broadcast the Saturday before Christmas and it will use parts of F�ves tape.
Letter from Roenigk to Unitarian Services stating no Christmas shipment this year, but will use them in the future.
Letter from Roenigk to Jacques Rimey, French attache in Chicago asking how to send money to F�ves to buy a projector.
Jacques Rimey, French attache in Chicago, response to Roenigk's letter of October 23 in regard to sending money to F�ves to buy a projector.
Letter from O.D.'s Kathleen Sparkman to Carson about Hedges and Falaise's accident, state of O.D., Todd to State Department.
Letter from Roenigk to bank in Clay Center regarding transmission of money to France.
Letter from Yvonne Bazin to the Torlottings, updating with information from the Utleys.
Tribune item announcing when "A Prairie Noel" will air.
Date +/-3 days of a newspaper article in unknown paper about upcoming Noel Ball, projector to F�ves and "A Prairie Noel" program.
Letter from Topeka mayor Frank Warren to Carson recognizing the value of her efforts in having Morganville adopt F�ves.
The script for the radio program "A Prairie Noel," broadcast on this day at 6 p.m. on the NBC radio network.
Card from Elaine Hoke about hearing the radio program. Date inferred and network should have been NBC.
Telegram apparently from Carson to McKee regarding the Prairie Noel broadcast.
Letter from McKee to Roenigk about his treatment in Morganville and the outcome of the "A Prairie Noel" radio broadcast.
Postal receipt for delivery of Morganville painting in Maizieres les Metz.
Toshomingo, Oklahoma Rotary Club's Ward Chase to Roenigk asking for any advice on One-World peace project.
Letters from F�ves Mayor and children thanking Morganville for the projector.
Item in the Tribune about the 1950 Noel Ball.
Letter from Roenigk responding to Ward Chase's 3 January 1951 letter requesting information about the village's affiliation.
O.D.'s Acting Director Kathleen Sparkman letter to Carson telling of hearing "Prairie Noel" and Todd going to State Department.
Same as 15 January 1951 letter to Carson, but to Roenigk with p.s. to Roenigk about Christmas card to Todd.
McKee letter to Roenigk telling of rebroadcast in Europe of "Prairie Noel."
Mary Ford letter to Robert Ritchey copied to Carson referring Ritchey to Carson with any questions he may have about the town affiliation.
Richard Wood of Salina, Kansas letter to Roenigk asking Roenigk to find him a new pen pal or reconnect him with his old pen pal.
Mary Ford letter to Carson: audience response to "A Prairie Noel," and how much Mary enjoyed working with the Morganville people.
F�ves mayor Auguste Berne Obituary in Morganville Tribune.
Tribune item mentioning Torlotting thanking Morganville for $5 for stamps for children's letters and Kolling receiving a letter about Torlotting visiting Switzerland.
Brief item in the Tribune about the 1951 Noel Ball.
Kolling and George Johnson meet in F�ves article in Morganville paper.
Part of a Kolling letter relating his and Morganvillian George Johnson's trip to F�ves from the Morganville paper.
McKee letter to Carson discussing collaboration in writing the "The People Act" book.
Roenigk orders blanket and English set for Torlottings from CARE. CARE letter attached on letterhead. Date is inferred.
Letter from Roenigk to Torlotting with Christmas greeting and tells of gifts sent.
Topeka Daily Capital article about Morganville-F�ves friendship from a Christmas 1952 perspective.
Tribune Noel Ball announcement.
Brief item in the Tribune about the 1952 Noel Ball.
Letter in Morganville Tribune from F�ves' Jeanne Gilles for Morganville's school children, updatting on what happened in 1953.
Mckee letter to Carson about final book manuscript edit.
McKee letter to Morganville mayor regarding the return of pictures.
Roenigk letter to McKee in response to his 19 August 1970 letter including update on Morganville people and mentions recording.
Todd letter to Cathy Haney, thanking her for her call and promising to help with the Kansas Humanities Council project.
Salina, Kansas newspaper item announcing Kansas Humanities Council grant and presentation of pageant slides in Morganville. Includes a call for items from sister city affiliation.
Todd letter to Cathy Haney including recollections of sister-city project and related.
Todd letter to Cathy Haney with more material as per 9 July 1993 letter.
Salina, Kansas newspaper item announcing program sponsored by the Kansas Humanities Council grant to be presented at the Clay County Museum.
Timeline developed for the Kansas Humanities Council grant project. program presented at the Clay County Museum on this date.
Poster developed to advertise Kansas Humanities Council grant project.
Clay Center Dispatch article regarding Kansas Humanities Council sponsored program created by Haney.
Salina, Kansas newspaper item revisiting the sister cities program and mentioning Ivan Roenigk's donation of father's scrapbook.
Richard Parker letter to Cathy Haney regarding pageant recording.
E-mail from Vaughan to Mark Utley about his mother Billie Pierson's obituary and any help Mark may be able to provide.
E-mail from Mark Utley to Vaughan in response to Vaughan's message of 7 July 2013.
E-mail from Herv� Torlotting for G�rard Torlotting in response to Vaughan e-mail to F�ve village's website.
E-mail from Herv� Torlotting mentioning G�rard Torlotting will be in the U.S. over Christmas and would it be possible to visit Morganville.
Freeland asks the three JMC students to comment on their Morganville story experience and the response to the story.
Topeka Capital Journal article by Jan Biles about the Morganville-F�ve connection and the December 29, 2013 reception.
Clay Center Dispatch article about the Morganville-F�ve connection and the December 29, 2013 reception.
G�rard Torlotting e-mail to Vaughan regarding renewal of Morganville-F�ve connection.
Blog article by author and Morganville native Ann (Oetinger) Parr regarding Parr's recollections of her hometown's pageant and anticipating the 29 December 2013 Torlotting reception.
KSU journalism department "JMC Update" item relating to how student project led to rediscovering the Morganville-F�ve connection.
Kansas Press Association newsletter item about how three students helped reconnect Morganville and F�ve.
Kansas State University press release regarding the reconnection of the villages and the student work. This is an image, so all links are inoperative.
"Flint Hills" section of the Manhattan Mercury newspaper relating the reconnection of the villages. This is a file in PDF format.
Clay Center Dispatch article about the Morganville-F�ves connection with focus on journalism class contribution.
Kansas Humanities Council Web publication relating its involvement in the 1992-94 Haney project and upcomin Torlotting reception.
G�rard Torlotting �English� speech at December 29, 2013 reception in Morganville as well as son Herv� observation.
Clay Center Dispatch article about the Torlotting family's visit to Morganville.
Herv� Torlotting e-mail reflecting on reception in Morganville the day before.
Blog article by author and Morganville native Ann Parr regarding Parr's visit to the 29 December 2013 Torlotting reception in Morganville and her participation in the play in 1948.
1st Infantry post newspaper of the U.S. Army Red Arrow Division with Kansas State University press release about rejoining the villages. Appeared on page 11.
Article in the French newspaper Le R�publicain Lorrain regarding the reconnection of the villages.
National Newspaper Association's monthly newsletter article relating how a college class led to feature stories in various newspapers.
Kansas State University journalism alumni magazine article on how one of journalism's classes led to reconnecting two villages.
F�ves resident Simone Joly's letter regarding her WWII experiences and the gifts from Morganville. The shorter letter was read at reception for the Americans.
Article in the French newspaper Le R�publicain Lorrain regarding the visit by the Americans to the village of F�ves.
Kansas State University's "K-State Today" item regarding the visit by the Americans to the village of F�ves.
E-Mail from Haney to Vaughan about the history of her connection with the pageant story and Kansas Humanities Council project.
Article in the Clay Center Dispatch about 20 citizens from F�ves coming to visit to Manhattan, Morganville and Clay Center.
Kansas State University's student newspaper Collegian article: the visit to campus, Manhattan, Morganville and Clay Center by 20 citizens from the area of F�ves.
Article on Clay County High School website relating to 10 September 2015 visit by F�veyotes in Morganville and at the high school. Date undertain, but between 10 and 30 of September.
Article in the French newspaper Le R�publicain Lorrain regarding the September 10, 2015 visit by the 20 citizens of F�ves to Morganville.
November 2015 article in the Kansas Kin newsletter of the Riley County (Kansas) Genealogical Society. File is in PDF format.
Writer Ron Wilson's article in Hays Post Newspaper on Morganville-F�ve connection with interview of Morganville's mayor and wife.
Article in Clay Center Dispatch regarding Morganville Mayor Brent Rundell's and wife Charlotte's visit to F�ve in late September of 2016.
Article in ISWNE - International Society of Weekly Newspaper Editors - regarding Morganville Mayor Brent Rundell's and wife Charlotte's visit to F�ve in late September of 2016.
KSU's journalism departments alumni "Update" magazine telling of the connection of the villages.
KHC's Julie Mulvihill E-Mail to Vaughan relating details of Haney's 1992-1994 Kansas Humanities Council project.
The Sablon - suburb of Metz, France - Historical Society May 2018 publication with the story about the twinning of the villages and their reconnection.
Simone Joly's letter about Morganville adopting F�ves and the reconnection published in the Clay Center Dispatch.
Morganville native Jay Mellies visits sister city, accompanied by play author Velma Carson's niece Margretta Flinner and others. Article published in the Clay Center Dispatch.