330 West Forty-Second Street
New York 18, N.Y.
January 24, 1951
Mr. Dan Roenigk, Mayor
Morganville, Kansas
Dear Dan:
Well, the program is a good many weeks behind us and it lives in my memory as a very bright spot of the year. It really
was very effective and I feel you should all be proud of the way the voices came through. I lunched with Lafe Todd and his
wife the other day and told them that the Voice of America would rebroadcast the Morganville story on January 24. Lafe
promptly sent word to Mr. Torlotting so that he could get people together to listen. I am sending a copy of the script for
possible translation and I also sent him word as to how to tune in. The rebroadcast is every Thursday at 5:30 a.m. to the
Orient and 12:30 p.m. to Europe.
I hope to be able to send you a digest of some of the reactions of people to the Morganville show. We continue to pick up
new stations, which is a further good sign.
With best wishes to you and your wife, Velma, and all the others, and with anticipation of dropping in on you again
sometime, I am
Very gratefully,
Elmore McKee
Associate for Radio