An Opportunity to be Better - Documents

Morganville, Kansas
June 21, 1948

Mr. Charles L. Todd
Executive Secretary
Operation Democracy, Inc.
369 Lexington Ave., N.Y.C.

Dear Mr. Todd,

Our village of 250 persons and surrounding farming community of indefinite numbers, wants to adopt a foreign town of similar size.

This project has been unanimously agreed upon by our chamber of commerce, Methodist church, school, ladies� society; Farm Bureau, and young people's fellowship group. We are a part of the Clay County Kansas UNESCO organization.

I have been delegated to find the town. The young people have already found some pen pals abroad. We have sent money and clothing to the Church World Service. We have had many meetings, films and talks. We have sent fifty dollars worth of food packages to England and have recently collected seventy dollars for the Children�s Crusade. Since the majority of the citizens are of German and Scandinavian origin, many individuals are helping relatives in their homelands.

There is a French community to the west of us which may want to help a village in France if they can be impressed with our ad adventure. And in the southern part of the county is a town called Wakefield, founded by English people.

We are blessed at the moment with a world-minded minister who was a chaplain in the last war, a school superintendent of unusual discernment and lots of bright people who would rather be farmers than famous.

Please find for us an interesting friend � one which needs us, and one which will exercise our growing vision of a world beyond our rim of prairie. We want to test our democracy, learn to accept strangers, and to make peace if possible.


(hand written) Velma Carson