An Opportunity to be Better - Documents

NEW YORK 18, N. Y.
June 28, 1950

Miss Velma Carson

Dear Velma:

I am glad to be able to report that the Fund Trustees have approved the thirteen specific projects and NBC has committed themselves to weekend radio time - probably after the football season.

Before long I shall be writing you as to when it will be convenient for the script writer and myself to pay Morganville a visit. Possibly this would come best in the early autumn rather than later.

In the meantime, has anything new been developing which would help us with preparing even tentatively an outline of the story? For instance, is there any discussion of the matter of bringing over a French student to Kansas? This would be a lovely follow-up of a personal nature to the more general story to date. Have the Utleys returned from Europe? Should they be coming through New York, I would be glad to have the chance to talk with them. I will, of course, get in touch with Operation Democracy about our decision, and they perhaps will have some new things to tell me.

I well remember your caution about Kansas in the summer. It is perhaps well that we are not pressed. for time.

With greetings to my Morganville friends and especially to the Mayor and his wife, I am

Most sincerely yours,

(Signed) Elmore M. McKee

Elmore McKee
