Noel Party a Success
The Noel party Thursday night was a gay and festive affair. A large crowd attended and no one failed to have a
grand time. The school house gym where the party was held was bright with Christmas decorations, a perfect setting
for the party. Velma Carson, president of the local UNESCO group, originator of the party, saw her work end in an
event of gaiety for the community and a number of others from surrounding communities.
Mrs. Orville Young managed the entertainment for the evening. The program consisted of dancing, both modern and
the square dances, with music by O. W. Pierson's orchestra. A vocal solo "Carmena" by Wilson sung by Miss Lorraine
Lee. Mrs. Edwin Schwab was her piano accompanist. A vocal duet "Winter Wonderland" by Misses Franc and Florence
Oberg of Clay Center and a doll dance by the Misses Oberg. Miss Nora Louise Carlson of Clay Center was their
accompanist. The German band which performed at the pageant played "All I want [for Christmas] is My Two Front Teeth." In the band
were Midn Ivan Roenigk, Merle Schwab, H. C. Kolling and Shelby Mellies. Mrs. Orville Young was the piano
accompanist. Velma Carson read a letter from Chas. Todd of New York, of Operations Democracy, after he had visited
our adopted town of Feves, France. She also spoke briefly of the work done for Feves. Mr. Per Stensland, of Sweden [and]
Kansas State College, talk was a very interesting part of the program as was Kenneth Davis of Manhattan. Mr. Davis
is Milton Eisenhower's assistant in UNESCO and had recently returned from the international UNESCO Conference at
Beirut, Lebanon. Mrs. Per Stensland, secretary of the state UNESCO, was present. After the program, the remainder of
the evening was spent dancing. Mrs. E. S. Henry and helpers served eats. H. C. Kolling was master of ceremonies.
About $235 dollars was taken in to be used in the rehabilitation work for Feves.
Morganville Tribune
Thursday January 6, 1949