Noel Night for Feves
On Thursday evening, December 30th, Morganville and vicinity are going to have a big bang-up Christmas party-dance for
benefit of Feves.
Details will be drifting along later, but this announcement is being made early as it will be formal dress for girls and
women. They can begin now to shop, borrow, open trunks, let out, dry clean, and cut up the drapes.
It is to be a gala affair because the well-known Henry Kolling is going to wear his silk hat and act as master of
ceremonies. The school house is going to be gay with tinsel.
Velma Hahn Young is in charge of the floor show. Dan Roenigk has something up his sleeve regarding the colored pageant
pictures and possibly Feves. Orb Pierson�s Old Time Orchestra will be assisting. The committee will let you know later
who is going to make the coffee.
Morganville Tribune
December 2, 1948