An Opportunity to be Better - Documents

The Farm - Route One - Box 198 - Windsor - California



Dear Miss Carson,

Thank you for your letter.

We are getting under way. I�ll write you details when we have some[thing] definite to report. Our clothing drive starts on February 28th. We hope to pack in wooden cases, send them to dockside San Francisco, where Aid to France takes over. Our town is Periers, in Normandy, near St. Lo.

Did you send �powdered milk, clothes shoes and candy� to Aid to France in NY or in France? By Parcel Post? Was it Expensive? If to NY - did Aid to France send it on without expense to you? The accounts we have had around here of parcel post packages going astray have been unpleasant.

Our first letters have gone out. It is much too early for replies.

Thanks again. I�ll appreciate your information.


Ann McCarrie