(Formerly American Relief for France, Inc.)
February 16, 1949
Mr. Daniel J. Roenigk
The Roenigk Agency
Morganville, Kansas
Dear Mr. Roenigk:
Your letter of February fourteenth just received. The parcel post rate to France for gift packages is 6� per pound
with a limit of 22 pounds. You must be sure to write on the outside of the package: "U.S. Gift Package." The
contents are listed as follows: food, clothing, and essential items. Seeds caused a good deal of controversy, but
after research, consultations, and so forth, it was decided they could be shipped, but not on the relief rate of 6�
per pound. They have to be shipped parcel post at 14� per pound. I cannot understand how the post office failed to
have this information as we all from here send our own personal packages in this manner.
Hoping that this information will be of some use to you,
Very sincerely yours,
(handwritten) Germanie Wilson
Mrs. Philip D. Wilson Director
Division of Supplies
G.W : RW