An Opportunity to be Better - Documents

March 21

[hole in letter so parts are difficult to make out]

Dear Cymfy,

I went to the musical festival preview last night and heard your old number badly rendered. It was so familiar I began to wait for it and suffer and ?? and sweat all over again. They hurt me more than they did you.

Sat ?? who suffered too, I can tell you. Those ?? kids bothering things. I looked for her to charge down and grab the baton.

The house is emptied of a ton or two of Herman Merten�s wheat field and we�re ready to spring at the yard as soon as the snow goes off. Thank heaven it was a snowstorm instead of another blizzard of dust.

Sarah is making the green sweater for you to try on Easter. Also the ? for the halter dress. I have to know how your face and posture are before we think of the new formal. We�ll shop Easter vacation in Concordia and Manhattan perhaps if you ? it.

On Friday, a fella is coming from New York from NBC to see about including Morganville-Feves in a series they are doing on �democracy at work.� Half hour programs on the evening schedule. He, a Mr. McKee, phoned Sunday, will be here a day or two. No place to hide.

Vance is anxious to come down so I hope he has a nice time. Don�t know who you�re asking. Why not Susy? Or have they made up? I rather expect them to. Will if it�s right!

If not, I�m sorry her last spring in college is clouded, but I�m not worried about Susy�s future. She�s a beautiful ?? , capable girl. I am certain that one day she will meet the person with all the qualities she desires and wants (?).

We will show her New York the next time. I hope for Kirk�s sake her parents reconsider. Be good to her - we know.

And tell her to do her stuff - or Charlotte, for Dick to see having fun. Or ?

I�m going to write to Don about his rating. I think he did very well indeed.

Getting rid of the goddamn cooking?

Please find occasion to butter Dr. Hut�s toast or want her to do some ?. And don�t lose this letter first.

Carol had a party yesterday. She had everybody which is a nice way to do I think. Except that hotels hurt the ?

Momma loves baby, but Momma�s been writing and the brain is drained.

Yours happily,
