An Opportunity to be Better - Documents

Letter From Feves

Miss Velma Carson received a letter from the office of the Division of Overseas Relief Activities and Service in France in answer to one written in October by Miss Carson. The delay was due to the great amount of work in the office. We print only a part of the letter:

�The first to be notified were the children. The magic word �candy� had a great effect indeed and with the wonderful photos sent us the children were able to get an idea what the American town was like. A geography lesson, a history lesson, but especially a lesson on friendship, that is what our friends have produced for us. The grown-up folks were surprised and astonished. The unfortunate inhabitants of Feves have suffered greatly; expulsion, evacuation, homes sacked and pillaged, houses burned and bombarded, and fields mined. You can readily understand that these sufferings have left them all a bit skeptical. In the throes of misfortune one loses faith in the possibility of happiness. Ah, yes, organized by our friends in Morganville has produced an effect, and I would like to assure them that despite the thousands of miles that separate us, our hearts are beating as one. If Morganville excels in generosity, Feves will not fail in gratitude. We hope that our friends realize their material generosity is not the sole bond that binds Morganville and Feves in true friendship.�

�There is another point I would like to mention and that our children would like to know more about Homer Christenson, who did so much to provide them with candy, and who, is no less than Santa Claus to them. They gave rousing cheers for the children of Morganville and Homer Christenson.�

In another part of the letter, the writer stated that they (the people of Feves) would communicate with the people of Morganville this winter.

Morganville Tribune
November 25, 1948