Western Union (telegram)
11:56 a.m.
November 30, 1949
New York, N.Y.
Mrs. Velma Carson
Morganville, Kansas
Would like very much to obtain from you pictures of town of Morganville as well as Feves, France if possible
within next five days via air mail for possible use with story on Operation Democracy Inc. in January issue.
Interested in pictures of towns, particularly atmospheric landscape shots. Kindly wire collect what pictures
you could let us use to be subsequently returned to you.
Most Sincerely,
Miss Gayle Gebbs
United Nations World Magazine
319 East 44th St.
New York City, N.Y.
Pictures sent:
Shelby - 5
Feves - 5
Oetinger - 1
Pageant - 1
Homer + Feves Christmas - 2
Dan - 9
Newsletter - 1