An Opportunity to be Better - Documents

Letter from Feves, France

To Morganville School Children
Feves, France, December 11, 1953

Dear Friends:

I am writing you a few lines to inform you of some of the facts which have happened in our village during the year 1953. At Feves, Mr. Pierson's farm has been completed and Mrs. VeBerne's barn is under construction.

The strawberry crop has been very good this year, but the fruit crop in general was lamentable. I wish to thank you for your gifts which enabled us to visit the Flan [probably Han] Grotto in Belgium. With the photos which Mr. Kolling sent us, it was possible for us to see the Colorado scenes and views of Morganville as well as views concerning cotton culture. Thanks for these views which have enabled us to know America better.

During vacation, Mr. Schoolmaster received Mr. Johnson and with his vehicle (car) was able to show him Verdun and also the American Cemetery at Thiaucourt.

Not very far from our town on the plateau near St. Privat there is an American base where the soldiers held maneuvers. There is also a new bar for the distillery-however they haven't made much more money than they have paid for it.

For the time being, the weather is nice enough. It was even 21 degrees in the sunshine. Towards morning, there is always a little haziness or fog.

Dear Friends of Morganville, I aim signing off in wishing you a joyful Christmas and may the New Year of 1954 procure for us many joys.

Your friend,
Jeanne Gilles

Morganville Tribune
Januaray 14, 1954