An Opportunity to be Better - Documents

One World Street Fete

A One World Street Fete will be held in Morganville, Friday evening August 27. The work of presenting this is upper most in the minds of about 150 people in Morganville and surrounding territory.

The highlight of the evening will be a pageant in which approximately 150 will take part. This will be presented at eight o'clock in the amphitheater. The story of pioneer days and local history of the community will be told in the pageant. Some of the world and national history will be brought into the pageant by descendants of people who came from foreign countries to form our own. The script read over the loud speaker was written by Velma Carson.

Some of these will appear on the program in the language of the country they represent. Our history will be told from the covered wagon days, the Indians down to the present with the 4-H, scouts and other phases of interest from early days to the present. There will be cookies for sale, made from the famous recipes handed down from our foreign ancestors.

Music will be furnished by an orchestra made up for this occasion from former band and orchestras under the direction of Velma Hahn Young. There will be many other attractions which will be of interest which will be a happy surprise to you. Main Street will be roped off for the evening.

A group from the state U.N.E.S.C.O. at Manhattan will attend the evening's activities and take pictures.

After the pageant, there will be an old-time dance with Orb Pierson's orchestra to furnish the music. This evening's entertainment is sponsored by the U.N.E.S.C.O. committee.

Come out and meet your friends here. You may see many of them in costume in the pageant.

August 19, 1948
Morganville Tribune