An Opportunity to be Better - Documents

Translation of an article published in Metz area newspapers a day after the ceremony which accompanied the broadcast from F�ves for Morganville on June 23, 1949. Original in French follows.

Under the sign of Franco-American friendship ...

Feves has expressed its gratitude to the sponsor city of Morganville, U.S.A.

Under the sign of the Franco-American friendship, the ceremony which took place yesterday in F�ves is of the type likely to forge the links which unite France to the great American democracy.

It was in the midst of the acclamations of an enthusiastic crowd that at 5 p.m. M. Perillier, Inspector General of the Administration and Prefect of the Moselle, accompanied MM. Cathal, Deputy Prefect, and Marchand, Sub-Prefect of Metz-Campagnet, was welcomed by Mr. Bern�, mayor of the locality, surrounded by MM. Serot, President of the General Council of the Moselle; Hocquard, former mayor of Metz and president of the �Way of Liberty"; Beaujard, captain commanding the gendarmerie section of Metz; Barth�lemy, councilor general and mayor of Maizi�res-les-Metz; Faessel, inspector of the Academy; Lacour, primary inspector; Jopp�n, representing Mr. Schaff, Mayor of Montigny; MM the mayors of Plesnois, Norroy, Sem�court, and other personalities.

The procession, led by the Maizi�res band, proceeded in the direction of the War Memorial, where Mr. P�rillier laid a wreath, while the �Marseillaise� was played.

The authorities, followed by the inhabitants of F�ves and the surrounding area, then went to the flagpoles with the national and American colors, located at the entrance of the village, where the view dominates the meanders of the Moselle and the Messine (Local term for area around Metz.) Plain.

Mr. Bern�, Mayor, thanked the guests for their presence at the ceremony of gratitude for the help �spontaneously manifested by our friends from beyond the seas.� The speaker mentioned �Radio Lorrain,� which was present and recorded a film of the ceremony with the idea of re-transmitting it to Morganville as a token of gratitude.

Mr. Torlotting, teacher at Feves, retraced the history of this borough, with its vitality and fighting spirit - manifested twice under hated occupation - which were instilled by the good monks of the Middle Ages who were the instructors of the people, good managers and builders.

Mr. Torlotting�s speech was interspersed with old songs executed with mastery by schoolchildren, under the direction of Father Holveck, parish priest. The games of mimicry and the circle symbolizing the attachment of the landlord to his nurturing ground, made by these same children, merit a particular focus on the work of the parish priest and the teacher.

M. Hocquard tried to transpose on a larger scale the symbolism of this demonstration. He spoke of the important �Liberation� campaign that restored freedom to the world. Mr. Hocquard translated his message into English so the �sponsors� would understand his broadcast message.

Finally, Mr. P�rillier warmly welcomed the organizers of this event, saying he hoped such gestures would be more widespread in order to establish a united world.

(Transcription of original follows.)

Sous le signe de l�amiti� franco-am�ricaine...

F�ves a manifest� sa reconnaissance envers la ville-marraine de Morganville (U.S.A.)

Plac�e sous le signe de l�amiti� franco-americaine, la manifestation qui s�est deroul�e hier � F�ves est de celles qui sont de nature � concr�tiser les liens qui unissent la France � la grande democratie am�ricaine.

C�est au milieu des acclamations d�une foule enthousiaste qu�a 17 heure M. P�rillier, inspecteur g�n�ral de l�Administrtion et pr�fet de la Moselle, accompagn� de MM Cathal, pr�fet-adjoint, et Marchand, sous-pr�fet de Metz-Campagne, �tait accueill par M. Bern�, maire de la localit�, entour� de MM. Serot, pr�sident du Conseil General de la Moselle; Hocquard, ancien maire de Metz et pr�sident de la �Voie de la Libert�; Beaujard, capitain commandant la section de gendarmerie de Metz; Barth�lemy, conseiller g�n�ral et maire de Maizi�res-les-Metz; Faessel, inspecteur d�Acad�mie; Lacour, inspecteur primaire; Jopp�n, repr�sentant M. Schaff, maire de Montigny; MM les Maires de Plesnois, Norroy, Sem�court, et d�autres personnalit�s.

Le cort�ge, prec�d� de l�Harmonie de Maizieres, es mit en marche un direction du Monument aux Morts o� M. P�rillier deposa une gerbe, alors que retentissait la �Marseillaise.�

Les autorit�s, suivies par les habitants de F��ves et environs, gagn�rent ensuite un tertre pavois� aux couleurs nationales et am�ricaines, situ� a l�entr�e du village, do�o� le vue domine les m�andres de la Moselle et la plaine messino.

M. Bern�, maire, remercia les personnalit�s d�avoir bien voulu honorar de lour pr�sence, cette manifestation de raconnaissance pour l�aide �manifest�e spontan�ment par nos amis d�au-deja des mers�. L�orateur eut une mention sp�ciale pour �Radio Lorrain� qui �tait pr�sente et enrigistrait le film de la c�r�monie en vue de la retransmettre � Morganville en t�moignage de gratitude.

M. Torlotting, instituteur � Feves, retra�a l�historique de ce bourg don la vitalit� et l�esprit combattif - manifestes � deux reprises sous une occupation d�test�e - lui ont et� inculqu�s par ces bons moines du Moyen-Age qui furent les instructeures du peuple, des g�rants d�bonnaires et des b�tisseurs.

M. Torlotting sut �voquer heureusement les �poques auxquelles il faisait allusion en entrecoupant son discours par des chansons anciennes ex�cutees avec maitrise par les enfants de �coles, sous la direction de M. l�abb� Holveck, cur� de la paroisse. Les jeux de mimique et la ronde symbolisant l�attachement du terrien a son sol nourricier, r�alis�s par ces m�mes enfants, m�ritent une mension particuliere tout � l�avantage de M. le Cur� et de M. l�instituteur.

M. Hocquard tint � transposer sur une �chelle plus vaste le symbolisme de cette manifestation. Il �voqua la campagne prestigieuse de la �Liberation� qui rendit la libert� au monde de apprim�. M. Hocquard traduisit en anglais, a l�usage des �parrains� son message radiodiffus�.

Pour terminer, M. P�rillier remarcia chaleureusement les organisateurs de cette manifestation dont il resume la portee en souhaitant que ce geste se g�n�ralise, en vue de l�etablissement d�un monde uni dans le respect du particularisme.

La vin d�honneur offert a la municipalite donna l�occasion a M. Serot d�exprimer sa satisfaction pour l�ex�cution du programme.

Au dehors, l�Harmonie de Maizieres prolongeait l�ambiance de f�te de cette journee en donnant quelques-uns des meilleurs morceaux de son r�pertoire.