Telephone Murray Hill 6-4986
369 Lexington Avenue New York 17, N. y.
September 14, 1948
Mrs. Velma Carson
Morganville, Kansas
Dear Mrs. Carson:
Just got your envelope with all the enclosures. I have not had time to read the script yet, but I did want to
answer your note. Your account of what you are doing is, as usual, terrific. I am passing the letter on to
Aid to France so that they will know what is in store for them. The powdered milk for sixty children will
please them immensely.
The thing I really wanted to write you about was this - Homer Christensen's gift of money from his popcorn
stand. I take it the money order will be enclosed in your next letter, as I did not find it in the large
envelope. Don�t tell anyone about this, but I am going to speak to our friend, Mr. King, head of Huyler's
Chocolates, and I think that Homer's gift will be expanded somewhat. It may turn into 500 pounds of hard
candy for the kids of Feves and we will see that it is shipped immediately. It might be a nice idea if you
could send along a letter from him, or about him, to be enclosed in the package of candy. Why not have him do
it in the name of the children of Morganville and send along some of their names? Huyler's, of course, will do
this without any mention of their own part in the proceedings. They will simply give it in the name of Mr.
Christensen and Morganville. It might be wise to turn the money over to Aid to France to take care of their
shipping costs.
As for your noble thought about �a token to Operation Democracy,� it was very nice of UNESCO to think of that,
however, I think since American Aid to France does all the hard work in connection with shipping, etc., it would
be far better to make them such a present in case you have anything to spare.
I shall speak sharply to Mr. Sonkin for not eating his potatoes and gravy!
I am looking forward to taking the script home and reading it with the concentration it deserves. As for the
transcription, I am sure Mr. Sonkin will send you as much as he can possibly get done on record from the tape
Thanks for everything. Keep the letters coming.
[Charles L. Todd]