Awards 2019

In 2019, the Kansas Professional Communicators selected the two columns:

The old table and All grown up

for a First Place award.

Judges' comments included:

Your writing takes everyday life and elevates it to importance. The memories in your parents' empty house brought tears to my eyes. I join you in rejoicing that so many pieces of "stuff" become treasures for your family.

A second column published in the Manhattan Mercury newspaper also won a First Place award. It was a somewhat longer version of �The Glitter and the Gloom� column which appeared in Snapshots as well.

Judges comments included:

Historical pieces are often difficult to follow and understand, but this article flows nicely and never loses my interest. As a KSU graduate myself, I especially enjoyed the tie-ins to campus buildings that I know so well. Kedzie Hall has a special place in my heart! Well done.

That article can be seen with the advertising removed at Wolf House.
