An Opportunity to be Better - Chapter 5 Page 8

Most photos from the performance were not documented. This one was probably from the Swedish/Scandinavian scene judging by the Swedish flag on stage at the left. In the raised area behind the stage, the Native Americans are at the left under the tree. In the chairs behind the gap at the right are some of Morganville's original settlers and their descendants.

The Settlement Grows

Let us get now to our program;
Let us hurry through the pattern;
These three tales are everybody's;
These three stories are our own.
These three stories are the world's, too,
Through the years, and fresh today.
Captain Morgan, though you traveled
To the center of new country
While the ashes in the Indian fires were warm.
Running from all foreign nations,
Running from the every-port girls,
Running from the foreign flesh pots,
Their religions, skirts and cookies,
You ran smack into three families
Who had other origins.
Irish, Spanish, and Norwegian
Were the three roots planted first,
Though it lately was Ohio or New Jersey
Illinois or Tennessee, Kentucky or Vermont.
The Millers laughed with Irish blood,
Oh, see the sweet Colleen,
Who brings to every Irish heart
The Wearin' o' the Green.
Now Lars was pure Norwegian,
Born on a Norway farm - wait!
He came from Tvedt in Holmedal Sogn, Skogsvag
Prestegjeld South Hordaland Bergens
Stift, Norway - Skol! (Hunt up our ginger cookies)