All of the pages to be translated are listed below on the left side. E-mail with a page or pages you would like to translate.
Your initials will be placed in the row of the page under the TRANSLATOR column.
When the translation is complete, submit your translation by e-mail. When it is received, the COMPLETE column will be marked YES.
When the translation has been posted to the web, the POSTED column will be marked YES.
Someone OTHER than the translator should then check the posted translation. If the checker has a question or finds an error,
e-mail that concern. If the translation is OK as per the checker or by general agreement, the CHECKED column will be marked
with the checker's initials.
After the initial translations, some English pages were edited. If this did NOT happen, the EDITED column will be marked NA -
Not Applicable. If it was edited, it will be marked YES. If the EDITED column is marked NA, then the RECHECK column will be
marked NA as well. If the EDITED column is marked YES, then the initials of the rechecker will be posted in the RECHECK column
when completed.